To prepare the future of JuCiVol’s original approach in France and Europe, the University of Burgos (lead partner, Spain) and Iriv conseil, co-initiator and French partner, involved key actors who allowed experimentation in the field (in Ile de France and Hautes Pyrénées) and/or who worked on the social and professional integration of young people or …


In the framework of the JuCiVol project, ERIFO hosted a series of National Advisory Group conferences aimed at gathering stakeholders and at forming a solid network of organisations belonging to the volunteering sector. The Advisory Group meetings have involved also a wide range of organisations that include actors specialized in vocational training and in work guidance, which posses …


In late April 2018, ERIFO implemented 5 training sessions for young people out of employment and education within the framework of the Jucivol project. The training sessions involved 26 young people of the city of Rome and the Roman Province who expressed the willingness and interest in attending a training course that aimed at developing …


In May 2018, ERIFO delivered 5 mentoring days directed at volunteers from different Italian non-governmental organisations, associations and no-profits based in Rome and in the Roman province. The volunteers participated in different training sessions aimed at giving them the tools to teach and mentor new volunteers. During the sessions, experienced volunteers have been introduced with …