Jucivol team presents the main results of the project:
Jucivol Leaflet: English
Jucivol Leaflet in English Result 19- Jucivol Leaflet EN
Training for Youngsters
Training for Youngsters (English): JuCiVol- wp2- EU- training for youngsters
JUCiVol- wp2-SP- Training-Spain
JuCiVol- wp2- IT- Training for youngsters- ITALIA
JUCiVol- wp2- GR- a training for youngsters- GREEK
JUCiVol- wp2- SI- training for youngsters-final_SLOvenia
JUCIVOL wp2 – FR- formation pour les jeunes-France
Mentoring for Professionals
Mentoring for professionals (English): JuCiVol- wp2- EU- mentoring for educators- final November 2018
JUCiVol- wp2- GR- mentoring for educators-Greek
JuCiVol- wp2- IT- mentoring for educators- ITALIA
JuCiVol-wp2- SP- Mentoring – Spain
JuCiVol wp2 – FR-mentoring for educators- France
JUCiVol- Wp2_SI-mentoring for educators-final_SLOvenia
Protocol for Experimentation
Protocol for Experimentation–Training for youngsters (English): WP 3 Protocol 1&2 for training dec_2017
Protocol for Experimentation–Mentoring for Professionals (English): WP 3 Protocol 1&2 for mentoring dec_2017
Guidelines for Youngsters
Guidelines for Youngsters English: Jucivol_Guidelines for Youngsters
Guidelines for Professionals
Guidelines for Professionals English: Jucivol_Guidelines for Educators
Final Publication
European Network ENYV
We are developing the European Network of Youth & Volunteering, ENYV with the objective of fostering a fluid communication between different publics:
- Professionals on education, volunteering and youth;
- Institutions, associations and organizations of the civil society that carry out volunteering programs;
- Persons interested in these issues with or without any personal experience on volunteering;
- Young people interested in volunteering.
The objective of this network is to share good practices in the field of volunteering and to upscale them in different contexts, sectors and with heterogeneous sociodemographic profiles.
Through this network you can participate in a collaborative online process to generate and implement specific tailor-made Training & Mentoring Programmes based on good practices that have been successful.
If you are interested in being a part of this network, please download the attached document and send it to the email address jucivol.eu@gmail.com
You can also fill in our online google form.
Estamos desarrollando la Red Europea de Juventud y Voluntariado, con el objetivo de fomentar una comunicación fluida entre los diferentes públicos:
- Profesionales de la educación, el voluntariado y la juventud;
- Instituciones, asociaciones y organizaciones de la sociedad civil que lleven a cabo programas de voluntariado;
- Personas interesadas en estos temas con o sin experiencia personal en voluntariado;
- Jóvenes interesados en el voluntariado.
El objetivo de esta red es compartir buenas prácticas en el campo del voluntariado y ampliarlas en diferentes contextos, sectores y con perfiles sociodemográficos heterogéneos.
A través de esta red, puede participar en un proceso colaborativo on-line, para generar e implementar programas de entrenamiento y tutoría basados en buenas prácticas.
Si está interesado/a en formar parte de esta red, por favor haga descargue el formulario adjunto y envíelo a la dirección de correo electrónico jucivol.eu@gmail.com
También puedes rellenar nuestro formulario on-line de google.