Important dates


Workshops proposals

13th January 2021

Workshops call for papers

19th January 2021

Conference/Doctoral Symposium/Workshops

Submission Deadline

24th February 2021
7th March 2021

Acceptance Notification

20th April 2021

Camera Ready

25th May 2021


Welcome to the 15th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Industrial Management (ICIEIM) - XXV Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización (CIO2021)!

This conference is promoted by ADINGOR (Asociación para el Desarrollo de la Ingeniería de Organización) and AIM (European Academy for Industrial Management). It is organized by the Universidad de Burgos. Due to the current pandemic, it will be online.

The conference is a forum to disseminate, to all branches of academy and industry, information on the most recent and relevant research, theories, and practices in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. The conference motto is: “Industry 4.0: The Power of Data”. The mission is to promote links between researchers and practitioners from different branches, to enhance an interdisciplinary perspective of industrial engineering and management. It will be a conference of very high standards, built on the experience of previous editions of ICIEIM/CIO conferences. We are sure that the ICIEIM/CIO2021 Conference will be a unique opportunity for networking and for enjoying a high-quality scientific program. We are looking forward to virtually meeting you in Burgos in 2021.


Sustainability, Eco-efficiency and Quality Management

Strategy, Innovation, Networks and Entrepreneurship

Operations Research, Modelling and Simulation

Supply Chain Management and Logistics

Production Planning and Control

Management Information Systems and Knowledge Management

Project and Process Management

Service Systems

Human Resources and Organizational Design

Product Design, Industrial Marketing and Consumer Behaviour

Education in Organizational Engineering

Circular Economy

IT-enabled Education in Organizational Engineering


Burgos is a land that welcomes its visitors with open arms. Burgos has some tourist attractions that are unique on the national scene. A cultural and artistic heritage mainly consisting of three items recognized as World Heritage by UNESCO: the Gothic Cathedral, the Camino de Santiago and the sites of Atapuerca. And just five minutes walk from the historic centre, the modern complex of the Human Evolution, by the architect Juan Navarro Baldeweg, that consists of the Museum of Human Evolution, the National Center of Research and the Congress Hall and Auditorium.

Burgos was founded in 884, and its historical heritage is always evident to the visitor. It is a monumental city, charming for the so typical Medieval Northern Castilian ambience. Together with the three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, there are some other important monuments such as the Cartuja de Miraflores or the Monastery of Las Huelgas. Burgos surely is a very attractive city for tourism.

The Arlanzón Valley has been an ideal setting for human settlers since the beginning of time, as evidenced by, the Atapuerca Archeological Site, considered the birthplace of the European. The human remains found in the area are over 800,000 years old. In this area, bordering the River, there used to be Pre-Roman settlements as well.

