Under the headline “The UBU will involve young people in volunteering” the newspaper Diario de Burgos echoes the “Advisory Board” that took place on 19 in the Sectorial Council of the City Council of Burgos. The University of Burgos, has asked the Municipal Council of Volunteering and other entities and organizations that work in this …


Il progetto JuCiVol è ormai al termine del suo primo, intenso anno di attività! A fine ottobre, i partner hanno finalizzato l’elaborazione di due supporti formativi per i giovani che vogliono approcciarsi al volontariato come mezzo di apprendimento non formale e per gli educatori che vogliono svolgere attività di mentoring per i giovani volontari. La …


The University of Burgos is been committed to raising young people’s awareness and training in values of solidarity and development cooperation.  In this context, JUCIVOL will hold the pilot training workshop for young volunteers on October 24th at 12:00 pm. More information in the link. XIII Solidarity Week


“Participation of the Coordinator of the project, Mónica Ibáñez Angulo (University of Burgos), at the “Thematic Cluster Meeting on Social Inclusion: Inspiring Trends in European Funded Projects” held in Brussels, October 9 2017. Participation in this meeting provided an excellent opportunity to meet and share experience with other projects, funded by different EU programmes, all …


The third transnational meeting is being held in Nicosia, Cyprus, on October 5th and 6ht . The meeting of all partners is always a point of dialogue and debate for the proper functioning of the project.  


On April 20th and 21h we held the 2nd Transnational meeting of Jucivol at Iriv Conseil in Paris. The meeting was attended by: For Iriv Conseil: Dr. Bénédicte Halba, president and founder of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv) and director of Iriv Conseil and Quentin Malouitre, in charge of migrations project …