Final Conference-CNAM, Paris, France-2018

To prepare the future of JuCiVol’s original approach in France and Europe, the University of Burgos (lead partner, Spain) and Iriv conseil, co-initiator and French partner, involved key actors who allowed experimentation in the field (in Ile de France and Hautes Pyrénées) and/or who worked on the social and professional integration of young people or on the key skills approach to exchange and open up future perspectives to effectively combat early school leaving and offer a constructive future to young people through a citizen experience of volunteering.

Title :  Promote volunteering among young people to facilitate their social and professional integration & Support professionals to enhance this volunteer experience in terms of skills.

Public : 

1) Young people living in sensitive neighbourhoods and/or in a transitional phase.
2) Professionals working with young people – in local missions, the Youth Information Network, decentralized government services, associations, schools…
3) Elected youth officers in municipalities, departmental and regional councils.

 Program :

Place: Jean-Baptiste Say amphitheatre– CNAM map. Metro station : Arts et Métiers

Date and time: Friday, november 16 2018- from 9:30am to 1:30pm

Free admission subject to availability – registration required by 12 November 2018.


Mister Sébastien LEONCEL :  Director of European and International Development at CNAM.

Mrs Edith CRESSON : President of the Foundation of the 2nd Chance Schools, Former Prime Minister (1991-1992), European Commissioner (1994-1999).


JuCiVol- Junior Citizen for Volunteering (2016-2018), KA3 Erasmus + project led by  the University of Burgos, initiated with iriv, french partner in 5 European countries.
Dr Monica Ibanez,  Professor of Anthropology, University of Burgos (Spain), JuCiVol project coordinator.
Dr Bénédicte Halba, president of iriv, director of iriv conseil, initiator and French partner of the JuCiVol project.

Project experimentation – in France, in Spain and in Europa:

Mrs Laura KOSSI: Director of the CRPVE ( City’s Political Resource Centre), coordination and training mission for actors working in the districts covered by the Essonne City Policy.

Mrs Annette-Laure MAKONGO: in charge of meeting key players in Ile de France for iriv (2017).

Mr Gonzague AMYOT d’INVILLE: Director of the Cité Saint Pierre (Secours catholique, Lourdes).

Mr Lilian CAUSSADE: Coordinator Lourdes, Vallée des Gaves, Integration Advisor, Local Mission of the Hautes-Pyrénées, Antenne Lourdes.

Mr Abdoulaye BOCAR LOM: President of the National Association of Former Civic Service Volunteers in Les Mureaux (Yvelines).


Recorded testimonies of the other team members: Cyprus, Italy and Slovenia.

National and European perspectives on Key Competences.

Mr Philippe DEBRUYNE, President of Copanef, Vice-President of CNEFOP, Confederal Secretary CFDT.

Dr André MOISAN, Honorary lecturer at the CNAM, coordinator of the Eure-K project (2015-2018) –


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