Kick Off Meeting

Kick-off meeting

On December 19th and 20th we held the kick off meeting of Jucivol at the University of Burgos. The meeting was attended by: Mónica Ibáñez, Andrés Ameijide and Miriam Manrique from the University of Burgos, Spain; Bénédicte Halba from iriv conseil, France; Dan Podjed and Katarina Srimpf from the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Arts; Federica de Paola from Ente per la Ricerca e Formazione, Italy; and Pavolos Kalosinatos and Loucas Antoniou from Cyprus Labour Institute.

At the meeting each partner presented their institutions as regards to their structure, number of staff, main research fields, and as regards to the ways in which their professional and academic expertise in these fields of research contribute to Jucivol.

The meeting was a success regarding the compromises acquired and the good communication among the partners. A great deal was accomplished during the meeting as regards to: (i) coordination of the project; (ii) temporal organization of the next skype meeting (February 28th) and European meetings (April 20th-21st); (iii) tasks to be carried out by each partner; and (iv) definition of the dissemination strategy.


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