The International Association of Penal Law (AIDP) is sponsoring the 20th Specialization Course in International Criminal Law for Young Penalists on “Human Rights, Criminal Justice and International Law” in Siracusa (Italy) that the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights is organizing in Siracusa (Italy) from 24 May until 1 June, 2020. […]
Archivos de la categoría: General
International Congress «Integración Europea y Justicia Penal: nuevos postulados, retos y desafíos de la cooperación judicial en la Unión Europea»
The University of Seville organizes the International Congress on November 7-8, 2019. It’s part of the Research Project of I+D+I of Excellence DER2015-63942P. Date: November 7-8, 2019. Place: hall of degrees of the Faculty of Law of the University of Seville Registration: free in the following link. Deadline: November 4, 2019 or until capacity is […]
Observatory on EIO
The European Observatory on EIO in criminal matters aimed to become a European platform not only for raising awareness and knowledge transfer, but also a reference site for Member States to get support and tools to adopt practices and procedures supporting the implementation of the mentioned Order.
What is the European Investigation Order?
One of the main principles of the European Union (EU) is the reduction of inequality across the Member States by harmonising legislation, but also by making relevant coordination efforts for the implementation of these common regulations. Among these harmonisation process, the EU aims to share a mutual recognition framework for a common judicial framework in […]