Best Practices for EUROpean COORDination on investigative measures and evidence gathering


EUROCOORD main objective is to promote judicial cooperation by developing systematic research and generating specific knowledge and tools addressed to the different stakeholders to contribute to the efficient and coherent application of the Directive 2014/41/EU on the European Investigation Order (EIO) in criminal matters and other relevant regulations.

Specific Objectives

These are a) to generate the required knowledge to optimise the implementation of the EIO; b) to provide relevant stakeholders with the competencies and protocols needed in order to make easier the cooperation and admissibility of evidence across different countries and c) to raise awareness, disseminate the knowledge generated and train professionals with a multiplying potential.


In order to reach the mentioned objective, the activities proposed are: a) research into the EOI judicial framework; b) development of a Code of Best Practices, c) training courses and seminars addressed to different target groups and d) launch of the European Observatory on EOI and beyond on criminal matters.


European Investigation Order (EOI)

The EIO facilitates the request and execution of evidence, guaranteeing the legal assistance in a more efficient and less complex way as it is being compared with alternative cooperation and mutual recognition instruments. In front of “mutual recognition” taken as a single principle, EIO implies this principle but also assures that both States (issuing and executing States) are applying common procedures and recognizing a foreign judicial decision in a more efficient and faster procedure than the traditional instruments.

Funded by the EU's Justice Programme