Jucivol is a multidisciplinary team from five European institutions with a large research background in the main issues addressed by the project.
Member Institutions & Key People
The University of Burgos
The University of Burgos is the institution leader of Jucivol.
The University of Burgos (UBU) was founded in 1994 and has assumed its role in the local and regional economy and in the larger scientific development responding to market demands (e.g. new grades in accordance to the needs of the labour market) and developing wide research networks (e.g. integrated research between the university, the private sector, public institutions, and civil society organizations). According to the ranking of normalized impact on research production elaborated by the CyD (Foundation for Knowledge and Development, 2011), the University of Burgos holds the 13th position among Spanish Universities with a 1,22 impact index. Likewise, according to SCImago Institutions Ranking (SIR 2012), the University of Burgos holds the ES.R 105 with a Q1 of 55,8 and Excellence Rate of 13.7, being leader among regional universities. Besides, UBU has been enrolled in a regional Transfer University-Enterprise Strategy (2008–2013) aiming at 7 strategic objectives: Strengthen knowledge transfer structures, Generate and strengthen technological supply oriented towards business demand, Promote joint R&D, Promote exploitation of Knowledge, Generate and consolidate technology-based Business activities, Promote innovative culture, Strengthen university–Business convergence.
Key People:
Dr. Mónica Ibáñez Angulo: She is the PI of the Project Jucivol. PhD in Anthropology (1999) at the University of Chicago and currently professor of Sociology at the University of Burgos, where she is the head of the department of Sociology. Her research focuses on the construction of social imaginaries and the ways in which these constructions affect the everyday life of a given social group. She has studied these issues from different perspectives (Basque nationalism, Bulgarian transnational migrants) while maintaining a strong emphasis on migration. She has been the director of several national research projects dealing with social and labour integration of transnational migrants, and has participated in the past years as a researcher in other European and national projects. She has presented her work in national (Spanish) and international conferences and has published two books and numerous articles on migration in national and international editorials (Routledge, Paradigm, Palgrave). In addition, she is a member of several international associations, such as ISA, ECPR, and IMISCOE among others and she has been peer reviewer of several academic publications. Since October 2015 to date she is also a member of the National Agency for the Evaluation of the Quality in Higher Education (ANECA) working in the Social Sciences Commission in charge of evaluating academic degrees in Spanish universities.
Relevant publications in the last five years include, among others:
- “Diversidad cultural y políticas culturales: encuentros y desencuentros”. In Zapata Barrero, R. & Rubio Carboner, G. Interculturalidad y política cultural: 61-84. Edicions Bellaterra, Barcelona 2016.
- “The Governance of Cultural Diversities in Spain: Linguistic, religious and Artistic diversity”. In Féderalisme-Regionalisme. Université de Liège, Liège 2015.
- “University Students’ Motivations towards the Education System: Learning and the Construction of Knowledge”. In Tsatsova, D. (ed.) Knowledge is Power. Contemporary Methods for Increasing Motivations in the Learning Process. pp. 162 – 194. University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia (2013).
- “La (des)coordinación de las políticas migratorias: las políticas de integración social”. In Matia Portilla, F.J. & Álvarez rodríguez, I. Nuevos retos para la integración social de los inmigrantes: 97-160. Tirant lo blanch, Valencia 2014.
- “Género e inmigración en el mercado de trabajo en España: un acercamiento a los anuncios clasificados en la prensa local”. In Sánchez Gómes, M.J. & Serra Yoldi, I. Ellas se van. Mujeres migrantes en Estados Unidos y España: 405-452. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales (ISS) Universidad Autónoma de Méjico (UNAM), México 2013.
Miriam Manrique Domingo:is in charge of administrative and financial issues of Jucivol. She has been working at the “Knowledge Transfer office” at the University of Burgos for the past 10 years. She is in charge of monitoring applications for European projects presented at the UBU and she is also in charge of monitoring the selected projects in the LLL and Horizon 2020 programme. She has participated in different EU training programmes where she has gained a relevant expertise in the field. Her contribution to Jucivol focuses on Financial issues given her expertise in these issues gained through her participation in other European projects.
Andrés Ameijide Arce: Is doctoral student at the University of Burgos and lecturer at this university. He has a degree in Humanities and Arts (2006) and a degree in Audiovisual Communication (2010) and has completed his graduate courses in Communication and Historical Heritage. He has participated in international mobility programs including the Università degli Studi di Messina (Italy, year 2000) and Wake Forest University (United States, year 2004). At the university he lectures on the degrees of Social Education, Primary Education and Audiovisual Communication; accordingly, he is quite knowledgeable on the sociocultural issues relevant to young peoples. As regards to his dissertation topic, he is working on ‘trans’-identity related to both sexual affections and transnational mobility. In this sense, he is interested in contributing to the visibility of social exclusion in order to combat it and, hopefully, erasing it. He could greatly contribute to the present project given his broad experience in volunteering with several NGOs during his fieldwork in Madrid, such as with the Triangle Foundation, working towards the social inclusion of the collective LFGBI, and the Acoge Network, working towards the social inclusion of transnational migrants. His paper “The collective trans *: employment options and transnational relations”, has been accepted to publication at the University of Oviedo under the series Sociocultural Studies: results, experiences, reflections. He participated in Jucivol until January 2018, where he collaborated closely with the IP in the amny tasks that were needed and in all work packages. After January 2018 he decided to focus on his doctoral work and his teaching at the University; as a consequence he could no longer combine his work with Jucivol.
Dr. Rafael Calvo. He is a professor at the University of Burgos and a PhD in Education. He specializes in minors in risk of social exclusion and has worked for several years as an educator in a residential centre for children’s protection. He has been a member of the Youth Platform of Burgos and a researcher in the study of young people organized by city council of Burgos in 2004. He has also organized workshops and seminars on youngsters in risk of social exclusion and has coordinated several publications on these issues. At present he directs the research group that is developing the III Youth Program of Burgos. His contribution to the Training and Mentoring experimentation sessions, as well as his contribution to organize the last two Advisory Boards have been central to the success of Jucivol in Burgos.
Soraya Cámara Azúa: She is a technician at Solidary Action and Cooperation Centre at the University of Burgos, where she manages local and international volunteering programs. She is currently doing her doctorate in citizenship education at the universities of Burgos and the Basque Country. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication (2010) and three Master Degrees in International Relations (2011), an inter-university program from the three main universities in Barcelona; International Cooperation and Public Policy Management (2015); and Compulsory Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (2016). She has worked in international contexts, mainly in Central America, for CORDES (El Salvador) and for the Spanish Cultural Centre in Nicaragua (Spanish Cooperation for Development Agency). She has also done an internship program for NGO Action Against Hunger and has been a volunteer in different settings (Spain, Greece, Perú, Cuba and England): Entreculturas, Persona Solidaridad, Amnesty International, Red Cross, AEGEE, etc. Her involvement in civil society organizations comes from an early age (17) and she is still working for social justice. Her contribution and support to the European meetings in Rome and Ljubljana has been an excellent contribution to the UBU team.
Iriv Conseil: Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering
The Institute of Research and Information on Volunteering Conseil (iriv conseil, www.iriv.net ) is a free private institution, nonprofit, independent of public administrations and economic interests, with the aim to improve knowledge and practice within the nonprofit sector. Focused on volunteering between 1997 and 2003, it has enriched its field of research since 2003 to migration. It has created iriv Conseil in 2000 in order to carry on the studies and trainings both an a national and a European level.The pilot project Leonardo da Vinci, the iriv initiated and directed between 2003 and 2006- VAEB (Assessing a Voluntary experience) was awarded in Helsinki, in 2006, for “excellent practice in addressing the priorities of the Copenhagen process and promoting an enhanced European cooperation in vocational education and training”. The results of iriv’s projects are available on : www.iriv-vaeb.net for Volunteering and www.iriv-migrations.net for Migration issues. Furthermore, to improve knowledge on Volunteering and Migration issues among the general public, the iriv has publishes a Newsletter since September 2004, les rives de l’iriv (www.benevolat.net). It has also designed a portal open to the general public: www.iriv-publications.net in order to share all its publications. It has organized or co-organized several conferences since 1998 both on national and European levels. The last one in Paris for the Vintage project in October 2013 ; the former one as co-organiser with the University of Inholland in Rotterdam in April 2014, the first Biennale on VPL.
Key People:
Dr. Bénédicte Halba, a doctor in Economics, she is the founding president of the Institute for Research and Information on Volunteering (iriv) , created in 2017 with the aim to improve knowledge and practice within the nonprofit sector and Lifelong Learning. She is responsible for the studies, training programmes, publications and for the implementation of its websites. She has attended or organised several national or EU conferences. She edits the electronic review les rives de l’iriv since 2004 and iriv’s newsletter de Paris à Berlin aux autres mondes dedicated to migration since 20016. She edits iriv’s publications on a specific platform – www.iriv-publications.net. The pilot EU project Leonardo da Vinci she initiated and directed in 7 EU countries (2003–2006), Assessing a Voluntary experience-VAEB (www.iriv-vaeb.net) was awarded in Helsinki in 2006 for excellent practice in addressing the priorities of the Copenhagen process and promoting an enhanced European cooperation in Vocational Education and Training. The pioneer project Migrapass (2010-2012) she initiated in 5 EU countries together with a French association has been the touchstone of the monthly Club she co-founded at the Cité des Métiers de Paris -since 2012. The project Success at School through Volunteering she initiated together with the University of Northampton in 6 EU countries was the touchstone of the monthly action Volunteering among youngsters in Massy implemented together with the College Blaise Pascal – since 2013. She is a lecturer at the University in Europe since 2000 (France, Austria, UK). Each month she is involved on the ground in the actions implemented by iriv among migrants – at the Cité des Métiers and among youngsters – in Massy – www.club-iriv.net. As far as the JuCiVol is concerned, she co-initiated the project with the UBU team, led the designing of the training for youngsters and mentoring of professionals (2017), implemented the testing in France (2018) and organised a final conference at the CNAM (Paris, November 2018).
Faustine-Louise Blanco-Poisson, Junior researcher, is a student in Master’s degree in management of territories and local development – international administration of territorial projects (University of Paris Est Creteil-UPC). During her studies, she learned about fund raising and planification in local, national and international projects. During this master she went to Poland for Erasmus semester in Jagiellonski University of Krakow (Poland). During her master’s degree she spent one semester in Erasmus at the Jagiellonski University in Krakow (Poland). She performed a nine-month civic service at the Zup De CO association (Tours), which consisted in facilitating and supervising tutoring sessions in a secondary school in a priority education area. She participated a mission at Sokodé (Togo) in 2016 with the association AVECS TOGO (Association of Volunteers for Exchange, Culture and Solidarity) to keep children in orphanage and teach in a school. She graduated with a degree in Economic and Social Administration (AES), management of Territories, at the University François Rabelais at Tours in 2015. She has been involved in the JUCIVOL since October 2018- in the final testing implemented in Evry (CRPVE) and in the preparation of the conference at the CNAM.
Mathias Guivarch, junior researcher. Mathias Guivarch is a student in Master of Translation – English and German – multidisciplinary fields and international relations at the Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium). He passed a scientific Baccalaureat (studies at the high school Jules Ferry, Paris). He obtained a bachelor degree in applied foreign languages – specialisation in civilizations – at the University Paris 7 Diderot (2016). He compled his last year (2015-2016) in Graz (Austria) thanks to the Erasmus exchange programme. In 2014, he was a volunteer for the Solidarité Sida association and participated in the organization of the Solidays festival. He has been involved in the JuCiVol since October 2018 mainly for the preparation of the Conference at the CNAM- programme and involvement of medias.
Sandrine Miraculeux is in complementary training «digital project manager», on the campus of the foundry of the image. She is a visual artist and author. She studied interior architecture in Paris and sculpture at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels. She did her Erasmus at the Athens Art School. Back in France, she studied at the biblical school of Ile-de-France, she exhibited in Paris, she wrote her first book: «artists in distress, lack of culture», then formed the digital profession at Campus of the foundry of the image. In parallel with her studies, Sandrine participates in many volunteer projects: Humanitarian project in Kenitra in Morocco, Donors for UNICEF, French courses for migrants, Social Action, Visit to hospitals… For the JuCiVol Sandrine has been involved in the preparation of the conference at the CNAM- design of a Flyer & PPT to introduce the work.
Maÿline Martin is a student in Master degree in Negotiation and Management of International Projects – English & Spanish (University Paul Valéry, Montpellier). During her studies, she is a volunteer for “Youth For Understanding” an association focussed on expanding intercultural education and develop youth competences, through various workshops. She holds a French Higher National Diploma in Business and Administration Management (I.U.T Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier) and a Bachelor Degree in Hospitality (University of Avignon). Mayline spent three years working within the UK’s Tourism industry. For the JuCiVol, Mayline has been involved in several testing implemented among youngsters and professionals- in Les Mureaux (Yvelines), in Montereau (Seine et Marne) and in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées).
Cliff Matoumona, junior researcher, Before having been a civic volunteer at the Centre de Ressource Politique de la Ville en Essonne (CRPVE) in 2017 , was a former student in second year of Bachelor of Physics and Chemistry (University of Evry Val-d’Essonne). Through his civic volunteer mission, he was in charge of the digital support of councils of citizens which are made up of residents in sensitive urban areas to participate in the improvement of the community life. Cliff holds a scientific Baccalaureat (2013). For the JuCiVol, Mayline has been involved in several testing implemented among youngsters and professionals- in Les Mureaux (Yvelines), in Montereau (Seine et Marne) and in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrénées).
Annette-Laure Makongo, currently in a Master 2 in Management and International Trade- Americas (University of Paris Creteil), Annette-Laure specialized in the Latin-American area. She could grasp key issues related to marketing, finance, strategy, human resources and international trade. Thanks to her studies, she could broaden her knowledge in international trade law, European and international Economy and Marketing. She has studied political, economic, social and cultural environment in English-speaking and Spanish speaking countries. She holds a Bachelor in Art in foreign languages English/Spanish-affairs and trade (University Paris 3 Censier, 2016). She passed a Baccalaureate specializing in literature and languages (2013). During her second year of bachelor’s degree, she was an intern in Malaga (Spain), in an event company. For the JuCiVol, Annette has organised a series of meetings in the field (Seine Saint Denis, Val de Marne, Essonne and Hauts de Seine).
Quentin Malouitre, graduate in Master 2 in Géopolitics at the Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, he has been studying geopolitics in the world, géo-économics and information management. He conducted together with a fellow student in 2016 a study on tourism at Jérusalem with a visit on the ground in Israël, Cis-Jordanie and Jordan. He holds a Licence in Géography (University of Rouen, 2011-2014) and a Baccalauréat in Économics & Social issues (Rouen, 2011). For the JUCIVOL, he attended and wrote the minutes of the second EU meeting held in Paris, he attended a meerting with the team of the City hall in Courcouronnes (Essonne) and designed the French weblog – http://jucivol.blogspot.fr/.
Ente per la RIcerca e FOrmazione- ERIFO
ERIFO (Ente per la Ricerca e Formazione) is a no profit organization with a strong experience in LLP and Erasmus+ Programmes; it has also carried on mobility programmes for staff, for both VET and Youth Entrepreneurship.
In particular, ERIFO had 10 LLP Multilateral projects approved, 4 as coordinator ( in subprograms Grundtving – Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of innovation) and 6 as partner (in subprograms Grundtving – Comenius and Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of innovation and pilot projects). In the new Erasmus+ programme, ERIFO is beneficiary/coordinator of a Sector Skill Alliance (554341-EPP-1-2014-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA) and of a Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education 2015-1-IT02-KA203-015203). Moreover, it has 6 ongoing Strategic partnerships approved in Europe. These experiences enables ERIFO to be involved in structured projects, establishing stable networks with over 50 organizations based all over Europe and on its borders.
ERIFO is also an accredited VET provider and it offers, among others, educational and social services. In the framework of Youth Guarantee, Erifo has been providing training, apprenticeship, job counselling and job placement to migrants and refugees, who account for 50% of the service users.
Key People:
Giovanna D’Alessandro: She is ERIFO’s President and has been project manager since 2001. For the last five years, she has been leading the Scientific Direction of the research, training and guidance activities of the body. She has been responsible for the overall management of over 30 projects carried out through public funding (regional, national and European.
Federica de Paola
Claudia Candelmo
Dr. Andrea Cenderello holds a PhD in European Studies and a degree in Eastern European Contemporary History. In these field he was researcher and contract teacher for the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the LUSPIO university of Rome. He has more than 18 years of experience in the design and management of EU funded projects under the following EU Programmes: Lifelong Learning Programme: Erasmus+; Rights Equality and Citizenship; Culture 2000-2007/Creative Europe.
He has a long experience in the implementation of technical assistance project for national and regional Public Administrations in the field of human capital development and internationalization of productive districts. As a senior consultant he supports Public Administrations, Research Centers, certified Training Agencies in the management of EU funded projects.
He is an expert in training design, monitoring and evaluation, with particular reference to ESF and in-company training in: EU projects design and management, marketing of culture, calls & tenders, training design. He works as an external expert for the evaluation of: (i) the Italian Erasmus+ National Agency INAPP – VET sector (mobility and strategic partnership projects KA1 and KA2); and (ii) Inter-professional funds (in-company training).
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
ZRC SAZU’s competences include a scientific, analytical, and synthetic multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approach, extensive knowledge and experience connected with compiling databases, designing thematic maps and graphic material, and preparing various publications. Research teams of the ZRC SAZU consist of researchers and technical and specialist advisers with a high level of responsibility that maintain strong and diverse contacts with the international research community.
ZRC SAZU has worked on the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Framework Programmes, the Interreg IIIB Programme, the European Territorial Cooperation Programme (transnational and interregional cooperation), Cross-Border Cooperation, the Life+ Programme, the COST Programme, the Lifelong Learning Programme, the eContentPlus Programme, and the Culture 2007–2013 Programme. ZRC SAZU also carries out a series of applied projects that exceed the narrow orientation of individual specialized areas and make possible valuable links between various institutes and disciplines.
Research teams at these institutes consist of researchers and technical and specialist advisers with a high level of responsibility that maintain strong and diverse contacts with the international research community. ZRC SAZU has its own publishing house, bookstore, and audio-visual laboratory; it houses the Geographical Museum, and boasts numerous collections. Among its rich publishing activity, five research journals listed in the Thomson Reuters indices are especially noteworthy. Aproximately 20 % of its funding is fixed institutional source and the rest is competitive funding gained through calls. Among these the most important source is national funding. However EU funding is getting more and more important.
Together with the University of Nova Gorica ZRC SAZU offers several undergraduate and graduate academic programmes: The Comparative Study of Ideas and Cultures, Karst Studies, the EU Master’s Programme in Migration and Intercultural Relations (Erasmus Mundus status), and Cultural History. An independent graduate school is also being prepared.
Key People:
Dr. Dan Podjed: He is a Research Fellow at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). He is habilitated as an Assistant Professor for Cultural and Social Anthropology at the University of Ljubljana. He is a principal investigator of an applied research project “DriveGreen: Development of an Eco-driving Application for a Transition to a Low-carbon Society” (2014–2017). He is a coordinator of the Applied Anthropology Network of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) and initiator of the international symposium “Why the world needs anthropologists.” In 2011 he was awarded by the Slovenian Research Agency for his publications on nature conservation volunteering in Slovenia and received an award in 2008 for exceptional achievements from the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts. His current research interests include volunteering and altruism, mobility, human-technology interaction, nature conservation and organisational cultures.
Dr. Marjeta Pisk is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnomusicology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU). After teaching Latin in high schools she obtained her PhD in intercultural studies for which she was awarded by the Slovenian Slavic Society. In addition to her regular scientific work in folkloristics focused on the historical and contemporaneous aspects of folk culture she has participated in various national and European projects and gained experiences in project management. Her special interests on borders and boundaries and overlooked questions of cultural hybridity of different minority groups reflect also in her involvement in Jucivol project which she joined in 2018. She has implemented the mentoring and testing in Slovenia (2018) and carried out exploitation as well dissemination (2018).
Dr. Mojca Kovačič holds her PhD in ethnomusicology. She is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Ethnomusicology of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Mojca is by her primary profession also a professor of music with four years of experience in teaching music in high school. In addition to regular scientific work carried out by the institute, where her interest mainly covers research in folk music and its various forms and contemporary processes, as well as soundscape studies in regards to urban religious sounds and street music, she also carries out music workshops for youngsters. For the past 8 years she has been a professional consultant for Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia, working as an evaluator of the music performances. She is the national representative for the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), a member of the board of cultural and ethnomusicological society Folk Slovenia, member of the Slovenian ethnological society. She is skilled in project administration and organization of scientific meetings. Lately she gained experiences in three Erasmus + project that ZRC SAZU has been participating. For the Jucivol, she was the most active in technical and organizational activities, as well as in dissemination activities.
Dr. Katarina Šrimpf Vendramin is a Research Assistant at the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology of the Research Centre of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She obtained her PhD in Intercultural studies. Her research interests include folk narrative research, identities, fashion and volunteering. For the past 3 years she has been a professional consultant for Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia, working as an evaluator of the folk group performances. She is currently involved in two EU Erasmus+ projects on volunteering. In the Jucivol project she uses her knowledge of volunteering in the field of culture, administrative and organisational skills. She has been involved in preparing protocols for implementation of training and mentoring (2017) and testing among the youngsters and professionals (2018).
Cyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO)
Cyprus Labour Institute (INEK-PEO) is a trade union initiative of the Pancyprian Federation of Labour (PEO) established in 2002. INEK’s core business is both research and training activities mainly in the fields of labour relations and working conditions. Currently, there are five functioning departments in INEK: (i) Economy and Industrial Relations department; (ii) Trade Unionist and Vocational Training department; (iii) Public and Cooperative Economy department, which in collaboration with other institutions of the cooperative movement, is engaged in specialised research on the cooperative development in Cyprus; (iv) Social and Economic History department; and (v) Equality department. INEK’s research activities during the last ten years, are widely recognised by all those concerned with labour, economic and social policy at national level; namely: the public authorities, the social partners, the media, the NGOs, the academic community and the society at large. INEK is currently employing 8 permanent staff, of whom 5 hold research positions and have a wide range of professional experience and background.
Key People:
Pavlos Kalosinatos: Is the General Director of INEK-PEO. He holds a Magister Atrium degree in Political Science, Economics & International Economic & Technical Cooperation. In his 20 years long professional career he accumulated experience in various fields such as vocational & educational training, economic & employment policy, social dialogue, labour legislation, labour immigration, anti-racist & anti-discrimination policies.
Loucas Antoniou holds a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology of Childhood. Antoniou is currently the Head of the Equality Department of INEK-PEO coordinating and implementing research and educational programmes in relation to migration, gender, discrimination, human rights, racism, hate speech and crimes and diversity. He is an accredited trainer by the Human Resource Authority of Cyprus (AnAD) and to this moment implemented a series of educational programmes and workshops to children, young people and adults from various ethnic, educational and professional backgrounds, respectively. Dr. Antoniou is also a national correspondent of the European observatories EurLIFE and EurWORK of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (EUROFOUND). He participated in many volunteering actions throughout his life and for the last 9 years is a volunteer at the Cypriot Network of the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) working on the elimination of poverty. As far as concern the JuCiVol project, Dr. Antoniou is the internal evaluator of the project and had a decisive role in the implementation of the training with youngsters, the mentoring with professionals in Cyprus and the organization and the carrying out of the national advisory group meetings.