Rafael Calvo, as Jucivol representative, developed this last training session with 8 people. The session took place in Burgos Acoge headquarters. It was exciting to see the results of the process and how the action plans have been developed successfully.       


The Spanish team of the Jucivol Project organized an Advisory Board in the Main theatre of Burgos. During the session, the youngsters presented their Action Plans describing to the public the future actions they will develop in their volunteer programs. At the end, the participants received a diploma for their involvement and knowledge they have …


13 people attended this session with youngsters in Burgos Acoge headquarters. Spanish Jucivol Team was surprised by the youngsters´ involvement and their motivation to develop their Action Plans.           


Mónica Ibáñez Angulo y Rafael Calvo de León presentaron el proyecto Jucivol para el público español desde la Universidad de Burgos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9-YwjCARMM


4 youngsters attended the last training session in ACCEM headquarters. Monica and Rafael could help the youngsters to finish their Action Plans and get them ready for the presentation during the Advisory Board.